Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Productions

Hello guys!!!!!

For those who were wondering what happened to the original Tomato Productions, it has been moved to . I know. Lame name. I took the first name that came to mind. Reason as follows (partial quote from my personal blog):-

tomatoproductions.blogspot will now be a blog that is dedicated to my youtube channel of which I will cover below.

The personal blog, during the course of this month, will be revived, and revamped. Tomato Productions will be given a new look and direction, and posts starting from scratch, reason being: I've really gotten into the art of producing works of art, especially in video form, and fell head over heels in love with it.

Also, the idea of Tomato Productions from the start has always been about me and the people i have contact with in the course of my limited lifespan. So essentially, it's about people and what we do.

My rants, my opinions, and my works all involve people as we are all social creatures. But i guess, the bigger picture and the struggle to reach and see it in all this is why I named it a production. Because, ultimately, we all, including me, will have a curtain call. And we always leave something behind for people around us, during and after the fact of us existing.

Of course, the name Tomato is only my nickname. So it means my production. my life. my, all. And this youtube channel is and extention of the fact. I wanna reach a wider audience with what I and my friends have to say: Ideas, Cries, Rants. All in an artistic form. Nothing to do with the money, although a little bit of commercial success would be a huge encouragement that what we do reaches somebody.

Of course, the more personal stuff, and non-artistic ones are reason why we have personal privacy settings on social networks and stuff. Which is why I am still deciding on the public-ness in terms of settings in the personal blog and it's name. And why i would have 2 blogs.

Tomato Productions, the blog will be focussing on my more public life, with works of art on the channel, news, sharing of stuff that interests me, work, college at the moment, and maybe, just maybe, the revival of my failed attempt at reviewing products.


I will need sometime to get this off though. But it should be fun. See you guys soon!

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